
Debut Guides

“Uso pa ba ang debut?”

Don’t be surprised if you encounter this question when you tell friends and relatives that you’re planning your daughter’s debut. However, if you really stop to think about it, there are many good reasons to want to celebrate your baby girl’s big day with a perfect event.

It’s not just a birthday party

A debut is more than just a birthday celebration; it’s a young woman’s formal introduction into society. In many ways, it’s one of the most important events in a young lady’s life, second only to her wedding.

Of course, in older days, the debut served as an opportunity for a young woman to formally meet the sons of wealthy or influential families for marriage prospects. Thankfully, young women today have more options. You’ve done everything you could to give your daughter everything she needs to make her own choices in life – from her education to her opportunities, to growing up in a safe and nurturing environment.

To doting parents, a young lady’s debut signifies that bittersweet moment when they have to let her walk – or dance – on her own two feet as a beautiful, capable young woman. It’s not just an evening of food and entertainment – it’s an opportunity for her family and friends to express their love for her with advice, guidance and inspiration. It’s also an affirmation of her own unique worth as an adult and an individual.

To take a phrase from the unforgettable slogan from a baby care brand in the 80s – you’re hosting your daughter’s debut “Because the baby is now a lady.”

It gives our children a taste of tradition

In a world where social media and the internet dominate our children’s interactions, there’s less opportunity for them to understand the importance of traditions. Yes, we teach our children to mano and say po and opo, but how often do we get the chance to teach them the real significance of tradition?

A debut is a perfect lesson on symbolism, meaning and values. For example, the 18 roses. The presentation of the rose symbolizes the young lady’s entry into the full bloom of womanhood. It also signifies her readiness for romance and courtship – in the proper way, and not just through Facebook and text messaging. For the young men, we hope that it will teach them about respecting and cherishing women. The 18 candles also have a lovely symbolism, where the candles represent the light of wisdom and experience that the women in a young lady’s life are more than willing to share and impart. It says to a young lady that women should help light each other’s way.

From another perspective, for families who have celebrated debuts or coming-of-age parties for generations, the debut can also serve as a tradition that sustains a meaningful connection among all the women in the family.

Every girl deserves to be a princess

Let’s be honest – part of the reason you may want to hold a debut is, on some level, a selfish desire to make your little girl feel like a princess for a night, gowns and flowers and waltzes and everything. Some people might consider debuts an extravagance, but for parents who have always striven to give their children the best of everything, a debut party is one way to prove it. Nothing beats seeing the utter happiness and excitement on your daughter’s face.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to show off to your friends and relatives just how proud you are that your little girl has grown up and now become a beautiful and wonderful lady.

So uso pa nga ba ang debut?

The truth is, does it matter? You’ve taught your children to know that not everything that’s uso is also tama, and having a debut is one way to prove this principle. There are simply some things that are more important than being hip or trendy. So what if some people think debuts are no longer uso? Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how you want to celebrate such an important milestone in your young woman’s life!

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About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

Find out how we can help you in your debut

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