
Why You Should Throw a Small Gathering

Bigger isn’t always better, especially if you’ve got a budget and time constraints to think of. Throwing a big party won’t necessarily mean that you’re creating awareness for your brand, either. What matters is that you zero in on your target market, and those people are authorities in their field, and will definitely spread the word.

Here’s why you should throw a small gathering:


It’s more cost-effective. The budget to create an event is almost never enough, so figuring out how to cut costs is usually the first thing that happens during the planning stage. When you have less guests or attendees, it naturally follows that you have more money to spend for each person, or spend on other details of the event.

You can plan it in a few days. Unlike a big event, which needs a month or more to prepare, a small gathering can be planned in a few days, from sending out invitations to the event itself. Once you have the program, the guest list, and the location, you’re done! Read this to know “The Essentials of a Corporate Event”.

There are fewer details to think about. For an intimate event, there are small elements that go into play—inviting the guests, serving refreshments, the program, location, and goody bags. When the event is huge, details from a smoke machine to entertainment might need to be fixed (and paid for!)

There will only be a handful of suppliers involved. Small gatherings can sometimes be held in a quaint restaurant, a meeting room, or a hotel suite, with a caterer in tow for the refreshments. (Check this healthy food for your employees.) There won’t be a need to talk and follow up to a long list of suppliers.

It forces you to focus on key people to invite. How will you know if your gathering will be intimate enough? Anything less than 10 or more people, wherein if you all sit in a big table or converge in a living area; you’ll all be able to mingle with one another. More invited guests means more people to feed and entertain, so keeping the head count down to the bare minimum will help you control the quality of the crowd that you’ll deal with.

You can easily monitor after-event write-ups or press releases. When you invite only a handful of people to your gathering, you can easily get their contact details and check if their publications were able to mention or produce anything that would be beneficial to your brand. You’ll also be able to monitor what their readers or followers have to say about your brand, product or service, in real time, and with ease, because of social media.

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About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

Find out how we can help you in your next corporate event

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