
Throw the best pampering party for the company

There are a lot of factors that go into creating a more positive working environment for your co-workers, but you know what’s under your control? You can help them take care of themselves by letting them enjoy some rest and relaxation, right within the four walls of your office! Here are a few pampering ideas:


Usually the first thing that comes to mind when you say the word “relax” is getting all your stress massaged away until your body feels as loose as a noodle, without a care in the world. Call up a couple of home massage services to ask if they do office visits, book a meeting room, and turn it into your mini-massage area. Remember to turn the lights down low and play some soothing music to set the mood.


The ladies will hardly be able to say no to free mani-pedis, and some guys will definitely avail of the free grooming and buffing of their own digits. If you’d want to go all out girly with your mani-pedis, reserve a room that’s for ladies only, so that the guys can get their mani-pedis in peace (aka no teasing or judgment!).

Yoga session

Yoga has a whole slew of benefits, from relaxation to helping you achieve better health. But in order to not scare off anyone from trying it out, open a yoga class for beginners, and ask the invited Yoga instructor to go easy on everyone. Be clear with the instructor that the goal of the class is for everyone to feel relaxed, refreshed, and happy after the session—we’re sure the instructor will be more than happy to oblige.


Dancing comes naturally to Filipinos, whether they admit it or not, we’ve all got rhythm! There are several types of Zumba, but the basic Zumba class is easy enough for beginners or newbies to do without feeling like they’ve got two left feet, and it makes everyone smile and feel good—we promise it won’t feel like PE class!


Perfect for those who need to let out some rage against the boss or client, boxing helps let out any negative energy by learning how to control it or let it out in other more productive ways that are less harmful to others, too.

Nap time!

Ah, sleeping in the office—everyone has done it at least once in their career, and it’s sometimes plainly because they’re so tired! What happens when you actually allow naptime in the office? Some studies have suggested that 20 minutes to an hour of naptime in the office makes employees more alert and productive. Why not give it a shot?

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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