
Kid’s Party Guides

Why a Small Kiddie Party is Better

The biggest fear of a party host is if no one ends up going to the party, so to make sure that the place is packed, we keep the guest list long by inviting everyone we know.

But the more people you invite, the more costly your party becomes. You need to feed more people, prepare more gift bags, and find a bigger venue, among other things.

What’s the number for an intimate party? It depends on what you feel is a good number. Some families are so used to throwing big parties, that a small party for them is 100 guests, while some need to just invite 10 people and fit everyone in one room. The magic number depends on what makes you (and your budget!) comfortable.

Keeping the guest list short and intimate comes with a lot of benefits:

You’re going for quality, not quantity.

When you invite only those closest to your child and your family, they’re 99% sure of attending the party. All familiar faces will also surround your child, making him or her feel more comfortable. This will particularly be helpful if your child isn’t too used to being in big crowds.

You can mingle with ease.

Being able to talk to all your guests becomes next to impossible when you invite a lot. Chances are, you’ll only be able to interact with everyone when it comes to having your pictures taken with each group, but all catch-up conversations will have to be done in a minute or less. But when you have a limited number of guests, you’ll have a lot more time to talk to each and every guest, maybe stay in their table for a while, and even bring the birthday celebrant along with you while you’re working the room.

There will be more food to go around.

A good caterer will definitely add around 10 more heads to your initial number, free of charge, to make sure that everyone will be well fed. Besides the money that you’ll be able to save on spending less on your food, a smaller number of guests will make you less worried that there won’t be enough food to go around. Your guests can help themselves with as much as they want and leave the party with a happy tummy.

The focus will stay on the birthday celebrant.

A big party means you have to control the attention of a huge crowd, and sometimes, the priority of the parents shift from making sure their child has a good time, to making sure all the guests are comfortable. While there’s nothing wrong with keeping your guests happy, the whole reason on why you’re throwing the party in the first place is to celebrant your child’s birthday. Having fewer guests to entertain will mean you’ll be able to focus more on the birthday celebrant, and making sure that he or she is enjoying the party thrown in their honor!

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About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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