
Wedding Guides

Make the Best Wedding Hashtag

You’re only six steps away from crafting the perfect hashtag to use on social media.

With the advent of high-tech cell phones with built-in cameras, it’s no wonder more and more people are capturing moments at weddings and instantly sharing them on social media. Take advantage of this reality by creating a hashtag for your special day and using your family, friends, and guests as instant photographers. But before finalizing your hashtag, read these tips!

1. Get inspired by existing wedding hashtags.

Check out hashtags used by celebrity couples (for example, Dingdong Dantes and Marian Rivera’s hashtag was #DongYanWedding) or do random searches on Instagram. For sure, you’ll find tons of inspiring, funny, and witty ones! At the same time, doing a search online with various permutations will help you discover if both your names will result to an already existing hashtag.

2. Include your names.

Start crafting a wedding hashtag that consists of your names. If one of your christened names is too formal or difficult to spell, you can also opt to use your nicknames or family names. It doesn’t matter if the bride or the groom’s name comes first as long as the hashtag is decipherable and rolls off the tongue. If you can’t imagine hearing your host announce the phrase multiple times during your reception party, it might be a good idea to come up with another variant.

3. Keep it simple but unique.

Don’t make it too long (that older relatives won’t remember what it is) or a jumbled mix of letters and numbers (this isn’t for your secret password!). Do add your wedding date or an emoji at the end of the hashtag to make it exceptional. Oh, and make sure the emoji appears in both iOS and Android phones.

4. Make it Funny.

Use humor to make your hashtag even more memorable! Some couples edit popular phrases, cheesy song lyrics, or favorite quotes while others combine their names with Filipino words, transforming them into hilarious yet outstanding hashtags. If you’ve got a way with words, you could make a rhyme or alliteration!

5. Do a quick check on social media.

Whip up a few options then do random checks on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. If others have already used the hashtag for their own weddings, you’ll be able to see how many posts have been shared even if they have private accounts. If a hashtag already exists, immediately scratch that option off your list! The main objective is to have a distinctive hashtag so that only your wedding pictures will appear when you click on it.

tanuha2001 / Shutterstock.com
6. Let everyone know about your hashtag days before the wedding.

Instead of just announcing the official hashtag at the reception party (which means some people would have already posted pictures from your wedding rites), send an email or text blast to everyone a few days before your nuptials. Remind them of the important details of your big event, and be sure to mention your hashtag. Aside from the early announcements, you can also ask your wedding planner to put signs at the wedding and reception venues. An important side note: If there’s a game related to guests’ social media posts, don’t forget to ask people to make their accounts public so that your host or judge will be able to see all of the moments captured that day.

For more wedding planning tips, like us on Facebook at Hizon’s Catering or follow us on Twitter @HizonsCatering and Instagram @hizons.catering.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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