
Wedding Guides

An Introvert’s Guide to Wedding Planning

What’s an introvert? And more importantly, are you one? We answer these questions and more in this quick guide.

An introvert is a person who focuses on their internal thoughts and feelings rather than on external sources of stimulation.

-You are often described as shy and quiet.

-You’re a good listener and a very observant person.

-You can spend the entire day alone.

-You feel drained after spending time around many people.

-You don’t like being the center of attention.

-You’re reliable and self-sufficient.

-You prefer to attend social events with your closest friends present.

-You’d rather not introduce yourself or chat with new people at -gatherings.

-You have a tendency to feel overwhelmed on days packed with events.

-You need “me time” to recharge after a day of interactions.

-Explain your personality quirk to your partner. Being an introvert isn’t a good or a bad thing, but knowing your characteristics will help him understand how you’re feeling and what you’re going through.

-Limit your meetings with vendors and other people leading to your wedding. If your partner agrees to get together with suppliers without you needing to be present, let him take over that responsibility.

-Do wedding planning tasks with your best friends. That way, your posse can act as buffers when you’re dealing with unfamiliar people.

-Each time you need to schedule an appointment or fulfill a social obligation with your partner, make sure to set a post-me time period. During that time, do the things you love like binge watching your favorite show or reading a good book.

-Psych yourself up before every meeting. Remind yourself that these are needed to complete your wedding details.

-Spread out social obligations with your family and your partner’s family. As much as possible, just schedule one to two events per week.

-Though you’re very self-sufficient, always remember to involve your partner with the planning. You don’t necessarily need to give him specific details about the bridesmaids’ dresses, but it would be great to keep him up to date about the budget, the food, and the venues.

-When things feel overwhelming, drop everything for a moment and focus on your breathing. Count from 10 to one and slowly inhale and release your breath as you do so.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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