
Wedding Guides

Find Out the Best Month to Hold Your Wedding

There are 12 months in a year, so choosing which month is best to hold a wedding is not an easy task. You may have a lot of considerations in your mind when choosing for your wedding month; you may opt to do it on your anniversary as a couple, in a month with a long weekend, or in any month that you consider special—but identifying the best wedding month is more than that.

There‘s so much more to think about before deciding which wedding month is the best. You have to be aware of the pros and cons of your chosen wedding month because it will greatly affect other wedding details such as your budget, guests, and venue.

Let’s take a look of all the 12 months and see what each month and season has to offer.
January – February

Pros: January, as the first month of the year, represents new beginnings. So if you want to highlight that your wedding is a new milestone and a fresh start as a newly-wed couple, then January is the best month to do it.

On the other hand, February is considered as the month of love because it’s when Valentine’s Day celebration happens. It’s considered to be the most romantic month of the year and having your wedding in this month could have the same vibes and label as the most romantic wedding of the year.

These months also have the coldest weather which will give a cozy feeling and relaxed ambiance for you and your guests.

Cons:  This is a peak season, not just for weddings, but even for different events like Valentine’s Day and New Year celebration. Most likely, slots are full during these months which makes it difficult to reserve or it will require you to book ahead of time as early as 1 year before the wedding. It also means you should expect expensive wedding rates during these months.

Flowers are most in-demand during these months especially in mid-February. It’s at their most expensive rate which goes triple or quadruple the normal prices. Wedding planners are not advised to recommend flowers that are highly affected by price-increase during these months, and we are exactly talking about our love for red roses.

Ideal for: It’s ideal for weddings with an open-area venues like a garden wedding since it’s unlikely to rain during these months. It’s when we have the coldest weather, and it is less humid.

Many clients who prefer these months are those who want to start the new year together as husband and wife.

March – May

Pros: It’s summertime! This is the brightest season of the year to hold your wedding. It’s the season where lesser rainfall or no rain at all is a guarantee. It’s the safest for unpredictable weather. Summertime is also known for long holidays and school break. It’s when everyone’s game and active for gatherings and outings–especially families–which means higher chance of guests’ attendance. If you want that “beat the heat” feels for your wedding, these months are highly recommended.

These months are also not as challenging when booking for a wedding. There’s not much of a competition for slots during this season compared to December to February.

Cons: Summertime could be fun for gatherings, but the weather during this season is too ironic. It’s good, but the temperature can be so high and scorching hot that it can make your guests a little upset.

The muggy weather is such a discomfort especially with all the formal dresses and suits that everybody will wear in your wedding; not to mention the exposure of your makeup under the sun which is absolutely not cool. It will replace your beautiful look with sweat all over your face.

You also have to be fully aware that holy week falls differently on the days of March or April which means religious practices are observed. During lent season, wedding might not be accepted by some churches due to conflict of schedules, or if permitted, there might be some restrictions to your church decors and the ceremony itself.

Ideal for: The summertime season is an ideal destination for both indoor and outdoor weddings. If you have decided to go for an outdoor wedding, we advise you to hold it in late afternoon to avoid the blazing sun. It will make you appreciate the good weather of summer.

If you have decided to do it in the morning or in early afternoon, we advise you to hold it in an air-conditioned venue if you don’t want the summer heat to ruin everyone’s look and mood.
June – August

Pros: These months, including the traditional wedding month of June, are considered to be an off-peak season for weddings. Hence, it is easiest to book your wedding during this lean season. So if you don’t want the high competition for wedding slot, these months are the best for you.

The cheapest wedding rates, good deals, and discounted prices are offered during this season.

Due to less demand, supplies and resources are much available; suppliers tend to be more attentive and focused in handling your wedding which avoid delays and glitches.

Cons: These months are the country’s rainy season, so heavy rains, typhoons, and floods are expected. This is the main reason why June, which was once the peak season for wedding, has become part of the off-peak season.

Wedding in this season requires “Plan B” such as preparing umbrellas and back up tents. There may also be a need for your suppliers to adjust the time and allot longer hours for setting up since the weather can cause delay in your wedding ceremony and reception program. Heavy traffic jams are also expected during bad weather, which can greatly affect you and your guests’ travel. You have to prepare for an alternative way and other means of transportation.

If you choose an outdoor venue during a bad weather, it won’t just require you to transfer and set up everything again to another area, but it can also ruin everyone’s look. To name a few of a not-so-good anticipated circumstances during a bad weather are wet dresses and suits, muddy ground, and damaged get-up.

Ideal for: The rainy season is ideal for indoor weddings because it’s less hassle. If you still insist to have an outdoor venue, make sure you have a back-up tent or an alternative function hall. But we advise you not to risk your wedding anymore from any weather troubles.

This season is also ideal for cost-cutting your wedding expenses. It’s a budget-friendly season for weddings.

To those who find downpour as a blessing from above, and those who find it fun and cool to get wet in their special day then getting married in any of these months is ideal for you.

September – November

Pros:   It’s the start of “ber” months! Christmas-y feeling has come and is about to give wonderful spirit to weddings.

These months are the safest from price increase; suppliers give last chance to avail the current rates of the year or even old rates from last year. “Ber” month promos for wedding packages are also given these months.

We also have a balanced temperature during these months, not as warm as the summer months and not as cold as January.

If you want a season when wedding rates fall safe, and when a balanced weather temperature and Christmas -y mood is mostly experienced, then go for this season.

Cons:  “Ber” months are the start of back-to-back events, parties, and celebrations. Bookings and reservations starts to get tough.

Weather is unpredictable during these months, strong typhoons may come. Alternative plans are a must especially for an outdoor weddings.

Ideal for:  The season is most ideal for indoor weddings.

It is also ideal if you want to be a “Ber” bride, but doesn’t want the hassle of December.


Pros:  The most popular wedding month goes to the month of December. It replaces the peak season of the traditional wedding month of June. “June bride” has transformed into “December bride”.

December is the month of family reunions and gatherings, and it has the longest period of holiday breaks which makes wedding very timely during this month. There’s a bigger possibility for your loved ones who are working abroad or living in the province to be present at your wedding.

The joy of Christmas season and the cold weather of December have an exceptional vibes among any other months— it’s the month of happiness, love, and optimism. If you are looking for a one-of-kind season, then December is the best month for you.

Cons:  Holiday rush means heavy traffic jams, so planning for alternative routes during your wedding is a must.

High demand of event services during this month makes it the hardest month to book a wedding. Since it is a peak season, expect premium rates for all your wedding costs too.

Suppliers are also fully-booked and at their busiest during this month. Due to heavy workload and demands, sub-standard service may be at risk. Handling one event after another could lead to delays, technical problems, and operation issues.

Ideal for: December is ideal for outdoor weddings because of cool and the mostly good weather.

It is also ideal for family-oriented couples who want their wedding to be a reunion that is celebrated and shared mainly with their families.

This is ideal for the brides who want to have that “Christmas feels”  and special label of being a “December bride” in her wedding.

The celebration of love is an all-year-round celebration, so any month could be the best month to hold your wedding. However, it is best to know and consider what each month of the year may bring to your wedding. Being aware of the pros and cons of each month will help you decide which month is best for your wedding.

I hope this blog helps you determine which month is the best to hold your wedding. To get more wedding updates and guide, follow us on our Twitter account @HizonsCatering and on our Instagram account @hizons.catering

Co-authors:  Ana Tueres, Owner of Solutions  Events | Irin Rae Hurtado, Sales Supervisor at Hizon’s Restaurant & Catering Services Inc. | Gladys Cabaliza, Event Planner & Stylist at Hizon’s Restaurant & Catering Services Inc.

Image Credits: CorinnaWraps.wordpress.com | JoePulcinella.com | SkinRich.info | WeddingsByEla.com | EirikHalvorsen.com | Thailand-Wedding-Photographer-Riess.com | allcoo.net

About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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