
What to Do When Your Child Gets Money as a Gift

Receiving money as a gift is far more useable than getting toys, but this is from a parent’s perspective—the birthday celebrant will always want to get toys. So how you help your child accept both cash and kind with thanks? Here’s what to do:

Register in a toy store. Gift registries are a thrill for kids to do, and are a godsend for busy parents who want to take out the guesswork and time that would be wasted wondering on what to give. Encourage your child to choose as many toys as they want, so that there’s more chances that there are toys in different price ranges for their guests to buy.

Create or give your child his or her own “trust fund”. Experiencing how to save is a good way for children to understand the importance of money. If your child doesn’t have one yet, open a savings account where you put in all their Aguinaldo, money from family members, or even money leftover from their allowance. If they’re 3 years old or older, they can come with you to the bank and help you open the account yourself.

Say it in the invitation. Guests appreciate it when your invitation is clear and simple to understand. Just like how you would put the details of the gift registry in the invitation, you may also include a list of your preferred gifts. This wording doesn’t sound desperate, but straight to the point:


Maria is registered at Toys Unlimited. She would also appreciate gifts in the form of books, clothing, as well as a monetary contribution to “Maria’s School and Toy Fund”.

Practice giving thanks for every gift. Making it a habit for your child to say thank you and feel gratitude will help them be more positive. Teach your child to accept each gift from the giver’s hands, and have him or her put it in the gift pile on their own. When the party is finished and it’s time to open the gifts, make sure you remember who gave what, or take a short video of your child opening their present, and send the video it to the giver.

Use 20% of the money your child received during the party to buy something fun, and save the rest. When your little one gets to choose how to spend their own money, it teaches them independence and how to spend their money wisely. Bring them to the bank to withdraw their money, and let them keep their money until they get to the cashier, to also teach them how to be responsible.

For more party planning tips, like us on Facebook at Hizon’s Catering or follow us on Twitter @HizonsCatering and Instagram @hizons.catering.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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