
6 Kiddie Party Emergencies and How to Fix Them

When you get a lot of kids in one room, there’s bound to be something that will go not according to plan. How will you handle these worse case scenarios?

Your entertainment won’t show up. 

For one reason or another, that magician, bubbleman, clown, or whoever else you hired to wow your guests just didn’t show. Just in case this happens, don’t be caught empty-handed. Before the party, buy a couple of affordable toys that are suitable for most of the kids attending. Babies won’t actually need to be kept busy or entertained, but a few ideas that would be suitable for toddlers and school age kids would be bubble wands, balls and blocks.

Your photo and video coverage crew will be a no-show.

This is where hashtags come in handy. Encourage your guests to take as many photos and videos of the party, build a Facebook group of all your guests, and have them post it all there. More often than not, they’ll be happy to oblige. If you have a point and shoot or professional camera, bring it along with you and assign a family member to be the “official photographer” for the day.

There are party crashers.

Maybe it’s an extra handful of yayas, or the three other siblings of one of the kids you invited. Rather than turning them away or complaining about it, be as generous to them as you would as if they’re invited, but if there are limited loot bags, give it only to those who were included in the headcount.

There will be at least one child who’s sneezing and coughing every two minutes.

Just like in school, sick kids are discouraged to be in groups where they can easily pass on the virus. The same goes with birthday parties. If there’s a child that seems unwell to you, talk to the parents and express your concern for their child. Thank them for their attendance, but ask them politely if they would like to bring their child home to rest.

The birthday celebrant will throw a tantrum.

There can be a lot of reasons why your little one might be cranky on his or her birthday celebration—maybe he missed his naptime, or maybe he’s not comfortable with so many guests gushing over him. Make sure that he’s well rested a few days before the party, and if you feel that he’s getting overwhelmed, set him aside, let him rest, or surround him with a few faces that he’s most familiar with.

Someone might get an allergic reaction to the birthday cake.

When you send out the invites for your child’s party, give out a note to your guests telling them to let you know if they have any food restrictions or allergies. If your child’s cake can do without nuts, go ahead and be nut-free. If a guest is lactose intolerant or is allergic to dairy, inform the guest beforehand that the cake and some food will have dairy.

If on the day of the party, even after all your precautionary measures, someone still gets an allergic reaction, rush the child to the nearest emergency room and pay for all the expenses.

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Sources: photoshare.com / imagestock.com

About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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