
Wedding Guides

6 Great Reasons to Host an Outdoor Wedding

Your wedding venue plays a major part on your big day. It helps pick the colors, clothes, decorations, and even the food and drinks served. Everything must flow seamlessly into one cohesive theme.

If you haven’t decided on where to hold the wedding, why not consider doing it outdoors? We tell you why having it al fresco is a great idea!

1. You can choose a venue with a beautiful backdrop.

A rocky cliff, a stunning seashore, a quaint garden—these are just three examples of possible locations where you can hold your wedding. It’s all up to you and your partner’s imagination. Hosting it in a picturesque setting means having a natural backdrop for gorgeous pictures you’ll treasure forever.

2. You can have more opportunities to travel.

There are limited choices for extraordinary outdoor wedding venues within the city, so your best bet is driving out of town or taking a boat or plane trip to a lesser known destination. Make the trip worth it for you and your guests by choosing a spot that they might not have heard of and will enjoy spending time in.

3. You can invite a smaller number of guests.

The more remote your wedding venue is, the less people you’ll have to invite or expect to attend (especially if you decide to hold the celebration for a couple of days). Having less people means needing a smaller budget.

4. You can pick a place that holds more meaning for you.

Outdoor doesn’t necessarily mean more expensive. Yes, you’ll have to think of a backup plan in case the weather doesn’t cooperate (rent a big tent just in case!), but other than that, you can hold it in a venue that’s close to your heart like your family’s ancestral farm or a private beach you and your spouse-to-be have been going to for years.

5. You can have bigger or grander decorations.

You don’t have to worry about having a limited space for the horse-drawn carriage that will take you and your partner to the venue (you can finally live out your princess dreams!). You can even have picnic mats and bean bags spread out on the lawn so guests can sit and relax before the party starts.

6. You have more freedom to choose a date and time.

You’ll need at least a year in advance to reserve wedding venues found in the city. But if your marriage site and reception venues are held somewhere less known to people, there’s a bigger possibility that they’ll have more open dates and times for you to choose from.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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