
Wedding Guides

6 Fun Ideas to Amuse Guests Before the Reception

If having a big time gap between your wedding and reception is unavoidable, offer interesting ways to keep your guests entertained.

After exchanging vows, the bride and the groom are whisked away to chronicle more moments for their big day. The photos and the video clips can take hours to capture, especially if the photographer or videographer insists on capturing a certain lighting or visiting a particular setting. Meanwhile, what happens to the extended family, friends, and guests who have nothing to do but wait for the wedding reception to start? We’ve got some great ideas to try!

1. Whip up a list of cafés they could visit!

Come up with hidden gems that guests would truly appreciate. Note where each spot is located and what drinks/snacks/desserts the place is known for (you don’t want guests arriving with a full stomach!). An important side note: If you’re serving alcohol at your reception, the last thing you want is for guests to already be inebriated by the time they arrive. Make it a point to tell a few friends to skip the beer or cocktails, so that they can fully enjoy your free alcoholic refreshments at the party.

2. Suggest cool activities for them to try.

Depending on the venue and time of your wedding, there may be some awesome activities happening nearby. Whether it’s an art exhibit or a weekend market, do your research and provide guests with an informative events guide! If you’ve put up a wedding website or a Facebook event page, you can share all the information there a few days prior to your wedding.

3. Have a wedding scavenger hunt!

Absolutely anyone can join this fun activity. You can opt to make it an individual or team challenge. Prepare an inventory of things to find starting from the wedding ceremony venue, to the journey to the reception area, and ending at the reception venue. Some examples can include a wedding missalette, photo with bride and groom, and colorful confetti. Ask guests to present their finds to an assigned person as soon as they arrive at the venue, and be sure to announce the winners during the party.

4. Do an iSpy challenge.

Make guests complete a photo challenge that will add to your wedding collection. Using a Polaroid camera with sufficient film or their mobile phones (make sure to announce your wedding hashtag!), guests can play amateur wedding photographers for a day! Provide a sheet of specific moments so they can help capture moments your official photographers might not be able to. Some suggestions: a sweet kiss, a warm hug, a big smile, a teary eye, a tender moment, a laughing group, and a complete set of guests from their table.

5. Provide a waiting area with a DIY setup.

Aside from preparing refreshments and tasty hors d’oeuvres, guests can engage in relaxing crafty activities before the reception starts. Prepare coloring page templates featuring the bride and groom’s names decorated with fun designs. You can also let guests make head crowns, necklaces, or bracelets for them to wear. Tip: Tie up with a craft store that will prepare all the materials and man the area.

6. For out-of-town weddings, provide scenic spots for them to visit.

Guests might be inclined to just head back to the hotel and wait for the festivities to start. Let them know about the gorgeous views to see in this new locale, which they could also take selfies and groufies at! Who knows, you might even run into them while taking your wedding photos.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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