
Wedding Guides

5 Ways to Not Make Any Guest Feel Left Out

Most people don’t like going to parties or events solo, or if they’re not going to know anyone there. No one likes the feeling of being out of place, so here’s how to help each guest feel comfortable, and maybe even have some fun!

1. Go round.

Have you noticed that most coffee shops have small round tables? It’s because small round tables encourage friendly conversation between handfuls of people. Cocktail tables are ideal for mingling and talking for small groups, too. It’s also less intimidating compared to taking a seat in a large round or long table, especially if there’s no one else is seated with them just yet, making them look alone.

2. Keep your guests busy.

Most people feel awkward just standing around doing nothing, and the default thing to do is for people to tinker away on their phones and pretend to be busy. Give your guests something to read, watch, or do while waiting for the main event. It could be an AVP, a photo booth, or a press release to read. It saves those who don’t like making small talk something else to do besides scrolling through Facebook.

3. Designate ushers to help seating each guest.

Leaving guests to find an empty seat might make them feel uncomfortable. Ask the ushers to show each guest to their seat, not just to make sure that everyone sits in their proper place, but also to avoid the discomfort of guests going up to table after table, asking if this seat is taken (which is embarrassing to do over and over again!).


4. Choose volunteers for games or activities beforehand.

Putting people on the spot for games or icebreakers is terrible, especially if the guest doesn’t want to do it or doesn’t like being put on the spot. During registration, ask guests beforehand whether or not they’d like to participate in the activity. Make the prize really huge or exciting to make everyone want to join!

5. Keep the event short and sweet.

Everyone’s time is precious, and the shorter the program, the less chances there will be for any mishaps or awkward moments between guests. The attendees will appreciate it that your event was straight to the point because it shows that you appreciate the time that they’re spending on your event

For more corporate planning tips, like us on Facebook at Hizon’s Catering or follow us on Twitter @HizonsCatering and Instagram @hizons.catering.

About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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