
5 Tips for a Perfect Seat Plan for Your Event

Before you go crazy on the details of the event, let the whole purpose of your event guide you in your decisions.

1. What is the goal of this event?

When you know why you’re holding the event in the first place, most decisions will come easy. Is it an event to introduce a product or service? Is it a casual mixer? Is it a celebration of a milestone in your anniversary? Knowing the main reason for the event will help you grasp how many guests, and the formality of the event, and what needs to be accomplished in the end.

2. Do you have a final guest list?

Gather up all the names into a master list, to make sure that there aren’t any duplicates. Remember to ask if there’s a need for extra seats for each guest (like VIPs needing seats for their staff). Go through the guest list one last time before sending out the invites.

3. Who can be grouped together?

For every event, there’s a table or two reserved for VIPs (usually owners or major stakeholders of the company), and if you want good media mileage, make sure to bring the media up close to the event proper itself. If you’re having a formal, sit-down dinner, it’s easier to assign a seat for each person, but if not, grouping people by profession, team, or company will do the trick.

4. Do you have enough buffer seats for walk-in guests?

Chances are, there will be guests who weren’t able to RSVP who will still attend the event. You can either squeeze another place setting in an already full table to accommodate them, or you can make sure to have enough extra seats or extra tables to make sure they have enough room for them.

5. Is the seating arrangement comfortable for everyone?

One thing that guests have gotten used to doing is turning around or craning their necks when they need to see the stage or the presentation all the way up in front. While this is a common thing to do, it’s not really the most comfortable. Make sure everyone has access to what they need to see and hear during the event.

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For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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