
Wedding Guides

12 Incredible Ways to Make Guests Happy

Let’s admit it. There’s no escaping to forgetting your guests to come to your special day. Well, almost. Wedding preparations from choosing the church to picking the best catering services in Philippines to everything else are all done for the guests. With all the busyness around, the last thing to think about is whether your guests are enjoying or not. Why not minimize the potential wedding stresses that your guests may experience? Believe us, there are many ways to make your guests oh-so-happy.

1) Make the travels easy.

Guests will travel from their homes to the church and from the church to the venue while some will go straight from their homes to the reception. Avoid all the travel-related headaches by arranging car pools or hiring a bus that can take most guests to the reception. Also, make sure that the maps and directions on your invitation or website are as accurate as possible. Include prominent landmarks, so that guests won’t get lost finding your reception.

2) Limit the lag times.

Unless you are going to start the program right away and finish it at one stop, might as well shorten the gap between the activities. Schedules of events generally vary on your type of wedding. Nobody expects you and the program to be perfectly punctual. This does not mean keeping your guests waiting for the program to resume while the both of you forgetfully suppress yourselves to endless photo ops. Respect their time.

3) Overstaff the bars and stations.

Long queues are inevitable, but you can always cut it short by manning the bars adequately. Waiting in line kills the mood and momentum, and no one wants it especially with a kid in tow. Additionally, prioritized those who need to be prioritized (infanticipating, seniors, etc.). These people need not line up.

4) Quench their thirst with a variety of refreshments.

It’s very rare that couple are able to plan giving pre-ceremony welcome drinks to their guests. Why not place attendants near the entryways to hand guests with refreshing drinks upon arriving at the church?  It is uncomfortable enough to sit at the church without anything to quench their thirst at arm’s reach. What more for a Filipiña theme wedding on the 8th of May at Manila Cathedral? Your guests will definitely appreciate the gesture.

5) Think about the weather.

Of all dates, why the 8th of May? It’s not that we are against the date, but the heat will take a toll. If there is no stopping the both of you in choosing the said date, just make sure that every guest is comfortable. Summer weddings will do fine with parasols or fans. On the other hand, rainy day weddings will be great with decorative fleece blankets or Pashmina as favors. Also, align the dress code with the expected climate during that time of year.

6) Ensure they won’t starve.

Some of your guests may have skipped breakfast or lunch just to be there on time. Also, the travel from the church to the venue can make them hungrier. As soon as the first guest arrives at the reception, open the food stations and bars at once or one by one.  Alternatively, when they are ushered to their respective tables, make sure there are something that they can nibble while waiting for the main meal. Have a fruit bowl or boxed treats waiting for them upon arrival.

7) Offer a variety of food.

Understandably, the menu choices will depend on your theme (i.e. Mediterranean, Japanese, vegetarian, etc.). Plan the menu carefully, thinking about the majority of your guests. Your guests will always remember good food. Don’t forget the serving arrangements as well. Make sure that all the foods served are fresh. If you are going to serve a particular cuisine or type of food, inform your guests ahead so that they would know what to expect come eating time.

8) Provide plenty of seats.

There is nothing more annoying than wearing a 5-inch heel and standing throughout the program. Adequate seating is a non-negotiable. There should always be extra seats to make sure that everyone is seated at the ceremony, reception and even during cocktail hours. Furthermore, be considerate of your elder guests. Most probably, they won’t like to be seated next to the banging speakers. Provide a lounge area for them where they can be comfortable when they want to.

9) Avoid loud and nasty music.

Playing loud music especially on a closed reception can irritate your guests. This is especially true when the songs being played are worthy to be frowned upon. Give your DJ for the day a copy of please-plays as well as do-not-plays. Choose songs from different era and genre but still within your wedding theme. Tell the DJ to play the fun music during cocktail hours.

10) Decorate the bathrooms, too.

Wedding bathrooms are commonly overlooked as well during wedding planning. Put a bathroom care basket containing essentials that your guests would appreciate finding. These include plasters, safety pins, paracetamols, sanitizing gels, tissues, feminine wipes, mints and other such items.

11) Provide some entertainments.

Entertainments for the adults and kids could be distinct activities, so you can shoo away the kids and keep them busy doing their thing. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean having big budgeted entertainments. For example, food trucks for adults and ice cream trucks for the kids have high entertainment value while also keeping your guests full.

12) Hand them favors.

Give thank you gifts to those who contributed in making your wedding a success. For your guests, make sure that each receives a favor (or wedding souvenir) to take home and display. Such gesture will make your guests feel special. Surely, they will remember your special day with fondness because of the care and love you showered on them that fortunate day.

Whatever the activities, schedules, and arrangements will be, just be thoughtful. Perhaps, you have been to a wedding before. What annoys you will probably annoy other people at your wedding, too. Ultimately, make your guests feel welcome. Have someone to look after them, if you cannot do it by yourself. Make time to greet every guest, and don’t forget to thank him or her for being there. This simple gesture alone can make your guest happy.

About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

Find out how we can help you in your wedding

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