
Debut Guides

10 Essential Parts of a Debut

We break down the parts of a customary debut party. Discover the reasons behind them and see if you’d like to stick to tradition or break the rules to craft your own program.

1. Parents’ welcome speech

This is the perfect opportunity for your parents to thank everyone for attending your debut as well as formally introduce you to society. Your parents can look back at their favorite moments when you were still a child to the time you’ve transitioned and finally grew up to become a young lady.

2. Debutante’s entrance

You can come out in a grand way, complete with confetti raining down on you as you sashay down an elegant staircase. Or you can keep it simple by just walking into the event venue, smiling and waving hello to everyone you see.

3. Formal cotillion dance

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Part of a more traditional debut, this can consist of a small number of people dancing an elaborate, choreographed waltz. Over the years, it has grown to include nine couples made up of the debutante’s male and female friends.

4. AVP presentation

This is not a necessity but something that can keep your guests entertained as they eat dinner. You can opt to present photos of yourself over the years (and show everyone how cute you were as a kid!), a pre-debut pictorial you shot, or even a one-of-a-kind concept video you made with your barkada! Close relatives or friends living abroad can also opt to surprise you with a special video dedication.

5. Party games

Make your guests take part in the festivities by crafting games that are fun and interesting! Let guests do a debut scavenger hunt within the premises, select a winning Instagram shot from the night (don’t forget to create a hashtag for quick viewing of photos!), or prepare a trivia game featuring facts about you!

6. 18 Roses

The debutante dances with 18 special men in her life, starting with her father, continuing with her brothers and friends, and ending with her escort or her special someone. Each male will hand her a rose which is a symbol of love or courtship.

7. 18 Candles

Eighteen women are carefully selected to “light the way” of the debutante through useful advice and special wishes. After all the candles are lit, they can be blown out all together by the debutante.

8. 18 Treasures

Chosen friends and family members are asked to give 18 symbolic gifts which will help the debutante in the future. These can also be items that the debutante can use to reflect on her past and use as tokens to inspire her.

9. Birthday cake blowing of candles

No party is complete without singing “Happy Birthday.” Don’t forget to make a secret wish as you blow the candles.

10. Debutante’s speech

This is your chance to thank your parents, your siblings, your friends, and everyone else who helped you over the years. Write down your speech in advance so you don’t forget anyone!

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About Hizon's Catering

For more than 30 years , we have been blessed to be a part of thousands of weddings, debuts, kids parties, corporate events, and private celebrations. In all these events, we make sure we are not only your caterer but more importantly your partner in every step from conceptualizing, budgeting and planning up to final execution.

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